Sunday, May 29, 2011

American Idol?

First of all, I want to welcome you to "Music, movies, and things that interest you." Since this is my first post, I'd like to explain what I'll be blogging about. Music, movies, and TV Shows and the main things that I know lots of people have an interest in. I'll even be blogging about other things that interest you (like household items, world events, and place to go). Every once in a while I'll have a poll to what topic I should discuss next. It's all up to the viewers! So what interests you?

I'd like to start off my first pose with something about American Idol.
I think of most of you have at least heard about the finale of American Idol. "Scotty McHottie" takes the stage as the new winner. And if you haven't heard, then I suggest you stop living under a rock.
Anyways, I had originally wanted Halkey Reinhart to win. When she was knocked off the week before the finale, I was heartbroken. I'm afraid Lauren and Scotty were a little too "country" for my taste.
When the finale finally came on TV, I wanted Lauren to win. At the time I just thought that Scotty sounded like every other hardcore country singer on the radio. When he won, not only was I surprirsed, but I told myself I couldn't watch AI ever again. I'm definitely not a sore loser. I've always been calm about that kind of stuff. That is, unless someone rubs it in my face. Unfortunitely, that's exactly what happened. I logged onto facebook just to get a load-full of "IN YOUR FACE!" crap from some of my friends.
The real reason I'm choosing to never watch American Idol again is simply because how stupid those people are. I had a talk with my dad about the previous winners. Back when the two Davids were going head-to-head, there was a report on the news about Archuleta's father. Rumors stated that David's father had forced him to sing ever since the age of 12. David Cook became the winner because American Idol thought that they could make more money on him. AI was afraid Archuleta's forceful father would get in the way (ultimately causing them to earn less than if they picked Cook).
There were other reasons as to why Archuleta didn't win, but this seems to be one of the main causes. He was supposed to win based on viewer's votes. But see, AI is all about the money. That's the main thing I despise most about the show. It seems like such an entertaining and innocent show. That is, until you dig down under the hood of their way of making the most money.
Even if a contestant wins by votes, producers still have to take a look and see which will make them the most money. That's why it seems that sometimes the runner ups seem to become more famous than the winner.
I probably shouldn't be complaining because I'm sure a lot of talent show-type shows on the TV are like this.
Despite that that fact, I'm going to coninue to watch America's Got Talent and get ready for the premier of the X Factor. I personally beleive those shows have a lot more talent (plus a 5 million dollar prize on the X Factor is sure to attract a lot of talent).
What do all of you think about this whole American Idol deal?
Did you want Scotty to win, or no?

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